
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kimani Hunt

                              Kimani Hunt
Kimani Hunt was a basketball player that went to Davidson County Community College. He played basketball there and was an amazing student. He had a grade point average of 3.692 which ment that he had all As and one B. He wanted to succeed in school and in what he wanted to be which was a graet basketball player. He was part of a lot of teams and he was very good at helping a lot of people achieve what they wnated to be.He was able to get the attention of the recruiters from the University of Northwest Ohio who offered him a full scholarship there to play basketball. He always wanted to play basketball and he was very good at it. He had very good skills and abilities in basketball.
I think that Hunt is an amazing person because aside achieving his biggest dream he was able to help others achieve their big dream. He did his best and eventually he got what he wanted. I also think that he was an amazing person because he always did the best that he could in school aside from doing good in basketball.    

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